The Apostles had just been arrested and would be tried the next day. Opposition was arising all the more. These were dangerous times. But the Lord's command through the Angel was simple: "Go ... and tell the people about this new life".
It wasn't to be done inside their churches or in backstreets, but where everyone gathered, and where the opposition seemed to be the strongest. Why? Because we have a God who longs to save. He is enthroned, and He laughs at the schemes of men against Him (Ps 2). He is mighty to save! And so we are not to hide in the shadows and cower in fear, but to go and proclaim the gospel - His New Life - wherever and whenever we can. It is only in obedience that we will see His salvation power at work through us.
We are in a day when people will not easily come into church buildings to hear about this new life we have in Jesus. His command to go does not diminish in times of opposition, but rings all the louder in our days.