Uninspiring verse? Actually, no. For every believing Christian it should both warn and inspire.
You see, being a Christian is about an intimate relationship. It is living and walking with the Lord that is the privilege of the true Christian.
A relationship is always an act of the will as well as of the heart. And therefore as we come to Christ we are not only led to trust in Him but to walk with Him, following him where He leads, joyfully doing what He desires.
Any vital relationship chooses to keep the heart steadfast on the one who is loved, and to turn from other calls. So, to not have a heart set upon the Lord is to have a 'roving eye', looking for other loves. We cannot say that we love Jesus if we're also looking elsewhere. And an intimate relationship with Him requires that He is our only love.
So, there is a warning here ... Is my heart set on Jesus, am I looking only to Him? And there is huge inspiration ... A heart set on Jesus (which is not difficult because this is the work of His Spirit in us), as His heart is set on us, leads to that close walk that every Christian should hunger for.