Friday, 19 November 2021

Still the same power and presence - Haggai 2:4-5

Although there are many reports of blessing during the Pandemic from churches and church leaders, I am concerned about so many reports of discouragement, stress and disheartened Pastors. At a recent youth leaders conference there were hundreds of youth leaders and yet only a few reported growth in their youth work, with the vast majority reporting smaller work and discouragement.

In this passage in Haggai the leaders faced a period of forced in activity in the rebuilding of the Temple. Sadly this was followed by a time of discouragement, a time when God’s people looked inward, built their own houses (lockdown DIY!), and forgot about God’s commands to build the Temple. God’s reproof came through Haggai, and came with encouragement (He’s the God of all encouragement after all!).
What was that encouragement? Simply this … that He is the same God with the same promises who is able to work mightily through His people. The Spirit, the same power that brought God’s people out of Egypt, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is still at work amongst us. And the wonderful summary is “My Spirit remains among you, so do not fear”.
I wonder how many Pastors need to proclaim this truth to their own heart, how many leaders need to know His perfect love which drives out fear, how many pulpits need to have this message from God proclaimed in our day?
What are we so disheartened about? Are any of God’s promises turned aside by a pandemic? Is not God sovereign? Are His Kingdom purposes ever thwarted? Is his hand ever pushed aside?
This continues to be the harvest time for His Kingdom, as we are reminded by the next verses: “… I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,” says the Lord Almighty.”
So, we need to hear God’s encouragement anew: “My Spirit remains among you, so do not fear”