Friday 28 September 2012

Do The Right Thing! - Is 22:11

Isaiah 22:11 NIV

"You built a reservoir between the two walls
for the water of the Old Pool,
but you did not look to the One who made it,
or have regard for the One who planned it long ago."

There was so much busyness! All around was frantic effort. It looked good; it looked necessary; it looked appropriate. But they'd got something utterly wrong.

The population in Jerusalem were responding to the destruction that was ongoing around them of Jerusalem. Walls had fallen, and they were even choosing houses to pull down to reinforce the walls. Water storage was being over-run, and they were building new water storage areas.

What they were doing wasn't silly ... it was actually just what they needed to do to survive. They had to prevent the invaders getting in. They had to ensure that the water supply would remain. It was all so necessary.

And yet, it was all so wrong.

You see, it was necessary, but it wasn't the first necessity.  It was only the first and most important thing if they were relying on themselves and not on God.

I'm so like them. Things are difficult and so I rush around trying to fix things. Yes, that's right, that's required, but it's not the most urgent. The most urgent thing I should do is to turn to God. The most urgent is to seek His face, to pour out my anxieties and my situation to Him who knows it all and is sovereign over it all. The most urgent is to find rest in him, not in what I will do. The most urgent is to obey His voice, not rush after my way.

How I need to learn to look to the one who made it all, who planned it long ago!

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