Friday, 25 June 2021

Faithful Proclamation, whatever the cost - 1 Kings 13

1 Kings 13 is a strange passage - an Altar prophesied against, a prophet invited for a meal with another and a lion who kills the prophet but then stands beside the dead body. It all sounds rather bizarre. But there are vital messages for us in this passage, two of which impacted my heart as a Pastor particularly today.

The first is simply this … the unnamed prophet went at God’s command and proclaimed God’s message boldly despite standing against the King, the mood of the nation and the philosophies of the day. His confident proclamation was not the key …. It was God’s hand of power that turned the words proclaimed into powerful action. He didn’t know God would validate his words or protect his life in this way, and yet he went with God’s word, trusting Him. No one turned to God that day, despite the proclamation of God’s word and the display of God’s power. But it was enough that he was faithful and strong in the Lord. God would use his word as a testimony across generations and an encouragement to His servant Josiah many generations later.
The second lesson for me was the parallel truth that even in our obedience and faithfulness as Pastors we are going to be under attack from many sides. This faithful prophet was misled by another apparently Godly prophet. (Interestingly this other prophet himself seems led by the Lord though unaware it was a test for the faithful prophet, though I’m aware commentators differ on this). The faithful prophet’s failure in keeping to God’s command could cause us to worry about our own standing … how can I resist all the people and things that might cause me to fail? Yet the reality is the same for protection as it is for proclamation … we go only in God’s strength reliant on His word. We can be just as confident in His ability to keep us as we can in His ability to use His word. It’s about constantly looking to Him and hearing His voice, even when it is God’s people who may sincerely be seeking to help but are actually leading astray.
In proclamation and in protection our God is more than able, and we can rest in His might, His love and His direction. This is our confidence, but it is also our call to dwell close to Him, listening to His voice, confident in His leading.

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