When you know Jesus as Saviour everything changes. And part of His transformation is that we discover that what seemed to be a list of do’s and don’t’s before, things which we could only be failures at, is actually a love letter. His word is written because He loves. As we read it we hear Him tenderly call, wonderfully lead, tearfully warn. And, because He transforms our hearts to desire Him with all our being, we rejoice to hear His voice of love, and delight to follow His way.
In doing so we discover that what had once seemed limiting and a cause of failure is life and peace. He protects us. He guides us. He leads us in pathways that are fruitful where before they were destructive. He gives us purpose that is eternal and doesn’t disappoint. He brings the joy of eternal hope to shine on life’s troubles. There is no trap, there are no barriers in His love … ‘He leads us in paths of righteousness’ and we learn that all we need is found in Him. He enables us to put all other good things, things which bring momentary joy but don’t ultimately last, in their right place so that we do find joy in them but are not enslaved by them.
In Christ, loving joyful surrender to His word enables us to find and walk in freedom!
If you have not found this, even if you have come to know Jesus as your saviour, can I urge you to stop resisting or running from His word, hear His love song, step out into the joy of living under His word - it’s the place of freedom!
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