Sunday, 28 August 2022

Forgetful hearts? - Ps 106:12-13

Ps 106:12-13
Then they believed his promises
    and sang his praise.

But they soon forgot what he had done
    and did not wait for his plan to unfold

So struck by these verses from Ps 106. The Psalmist is remembering God’s goodness to Israel in rescuing His people at the Red Sea even though they had doubted His goodness and protection. When they saw His deliverance “Then they believed His promises and sang His praise”.
But the next verse reminds us that, even though they had seen His mighty power at work so recently, “they soon forgot what He had done”.
That alone is not only such an indictment of them, but reflects our own hearts so much. Does not the God who “so loved that He sent His only begotten son” also love us in the times of difficulty, also care for us in sadness, also walk with us in hardship? Of course He does … eternally!
But the final part was the one that really hit home to me: “and did not wait for His plan to unfold.” Like them, I see the momentary and fail to wait, often in difficulty, sadness or hurt, for all the Lord is doing. He is faithful. He is working out all His purposes which will be to His glory. He is doing far more than I can possibly imagine. And all His promises in Jesus are ‘Yes and Amen’; Not one word of all His promises to us will fail. In my impatience my heart can fail, but ‘looking into Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith’ we need not fear or waver.
Yes, I need to learn to “wait for His plan to unfold.”

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