Monday, 5 September 2022

The Right Desire - Job 17:11-12

Job is suffering. His suffering has been terrible and long. There is nothing to take it away. He even desires that he had never been born because of the weight of the suffering.
As he reflects it seems, indeed, that ‘my days have passed, my plans are shattered’. As we read we know that there is more to come, more blessing in store for Job, but from where he is there is nothing left.
But as he reflects he says ‘Yet the desires of my heart turn night into day’. What desires? He has lost everything and has just said that ‘his days have passed’. So, what desires make such a difference?
Well, in the previous chapter (though part of the same discourse as this verse) he remembers that he has an intercessor before the Father, and that intercessor is his friend. He knows and loves the Lord Jesus - this is his stronghold, hope and anchor. Job has already long before declared ‘The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord’. The desire that turns night to day is simply this … our love for the Lord that God himself has put into the heart of those who trust in Him.
And this is the key - my love for Him mustn’t be stolen by love for other things that will fail. That’s idolatry - to love another instead of love for Him. Wonderfully, love for God is both a fruit of the Spirit and a spiritual gift. We only need, in His strength’ to ‘guard our heart for it is the wellspring of life’ so that we ‘love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength’ … Him the first and foremost love, the One we will never lose, the One who we trust and who holds us, the One who turns our night into day.

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